Am Pm Exterminators

Seattle, WA
(206) 571 7580

Kent, WA
(425) 440 0966

Kirkland, WA
(425) 200-8045

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(425) 495-1903

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(425) 495-0306

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Seattle, WA
(206) 571 7580

Kent, WA
(425) 440 0966

Kirkland, WA
(425) 200-8045

Renton, WA
(425) 495-1903

Redmond, WA
(425) 495-0306


Pest control  extermination requires special techniques gained by years of experience to capture  removal of nuisance wildlife from both residential  commercial properties. We operate a full-service nuisance wildlife  pest control company, specializing in conflicts between people wild animals. We do far more than just trap  remove animals. We provide a complete  permanent pest control solution for your critter problem. For example, if you’ve got animals living in your house or business building, we don’t simply trap  remove them. We find the root cause of the problem, usually something attractive about the house, such as holes or openings at the roof line leading into the attic,  we seal these openings shut, so that you don’t have the problem ever again. We identify  repair any damage that the animals may have caused,  clean up after their habitation, which may have resulted in bio-hazardous waste left behind. We perform our pest control services with the greatest of attention to detail  the highest quality customer service,  back up our work with a guarantee

Pest Control for Ants In Homes  commercial business buildings

Pest control for carpenter antsCarpenter Ants invade wandering in from outdoors, but since carpenter ants, like all insects, are cold blooded, ants active in the winter must be originating from a warmed source. Even if the air temperature is very cold, heat from the sun or the furnace may warm the house walls  stir dormant ants  activity.

Extermination Pavement ants measure approximately 2.5 to 3 mm in length  have brown to black bodies, pale legs  antennae. Pavement ant pest control is achieved by understanding ant extermination  control. Pavement ants earned their name because they nest in cracks in driveways  under sidewalks, piling the resulting dirt in a mound on top of the pavement. Pavement ants also dwell in the undersides of logs, bricks, stones, patio blocks  boards. Pavement ants may also nest under mulching or open soil close to building foundations. They also can nest indoors, such as under floors, inside insulation  within walls. Pavement ants invade buildings while foraging for food. Nests are outdoors under stones, along curbs or in cracks of pavement. They can nest indoors in walls  under floors. Pavement ants will feed on a wide variety of foods, including meats, grease, live  dead insects, seeds  honeydew from aphids. They prefer to eat greasy foods,  can eat many foods consumed by humans. They forage for food for their colonies  set up trails to food sources from their nests. Pavement ant workers enter houses to forage  can become a nuisance when large groups infest a kitchen or garden patio. They can sting  bite Pavement ants undergo complete metamorphosis, passing through the egg, larval  pupal stages before becoming mature adults. A typical colony of pavement ants includes multiple queens  numerous workers. A queen establishes a new colony of pavement ants by laying eggs. Pavement worker ants then tend the queen’s brood until they develop into adults. During their development, broods are transferred from location to location to protect them from fluctuations in moisture  temperature

ODOROUS HOUSE ANT The odorous house ant is probably the most common house-infesting ant species in North Carolina. Their name comes from the odor of rotten coconut that is noticeable when you crush the insects. Workers are about 1/8” long  brown to black in color. There is one node on the pedicel that is hidden by the overlapping abdomen (see the picture above). Colonies may contain several hundred to 100,000 workers  contain multiple queens. New colonies are formed primarily by budding; however, occasional mating swarms may occur in late spring. Odorous house ants can nest in many different places. Outdoor they may build their nests in mulch, in piles of logs, firewood, boards,  other debris. They may also nest beneath stones, sidewalks, patio blocks,  concrete slabs. Indoor nest sites may include wall voids, window frames, in insulation in an attic or between bats of insulation  crawlspace sub flooring. Indoors, odorous house the ants are typically attracted to sugary food items. Outdoors, they feed on the honeydew secreted by aphids other insects on shrubs trees.

Pavement ants also know as sugar ants or little black house ants dwell in the undersides of logs, bricks, stones, patio blocks  boards.Pavement ants may also nest under mulching or open soil close to building foundations. They also can nest indoors, such as under floors, inside insulation  within walls.

Indoors, odorous ants can nest in wall crevices, near heaters, water pipes, under carpets, beneath floors or sometimes behind paneling. Outdoors, odorous house ants place their shallow nests beneath soil as well as in logs, mulch, debris  under rocks. Like all ants, odorous house ants live in colonies. Each colony may contain two or more queens over 100,000 workers. The queens of an odorous ant colony can produce thousands of workers  hundreds of reproductives. Odorous house ants forage for food night , day. Outdoors they prefer honeydew from aphids , mealybugs. When the honeydew supply is reduced in autumn, they may move indoors for food. Indoors, they eat meats, sugary foods, dairy products, pastries, cooked or raw vegetables  fruit juices. When alarmed by a predator, worker odorous ants will move in quick, erratic motions, raising their abdomens into the air.”

Odorous house ants also know as little black sugar house ants are highly adaptable capable of establishing nests in diverse environments from sandy beaches to open fields, woodlands, bogs  homes. Outside, it commonly nests in soil beneath most any object, including stones, logs, concrete blocks,  fallen limbs. It also nests under the bark of logs  stumps in plant cavities, refuse piles, under mulch in flower beds,  nests of birds  animals. These ants are highly mobile  move frequently from nests that are not well structured.

Pest Control To Kill,Remove,Get Rid of Cockroaches 

Roaches are common in multi-unit building like Apartment.Cockroaches control extermination involves getting to the source of the matter,  get rid of all roaches . After pest control treats for cockroaches,Maintain sanitation  exclusion techniques to avoid encouraging a new infestation. If severe re-infestations continue to recur, Ampm Pest exterminators are trained to use various pesticides  mechanical methods that will bring positive result. Seattle exterminators expertise in  Cockroach control infestation includes Exclusion  Removal of Hiding Places is a beginning to get rid of cockroaches.The German, American, Brown-Banded,  Oriental cockroaches are the Earth’s Most Wanted urban pests.

Cockroaches tend to prefer dark, moist places to hide  breed  can be found behind refrigerators, sinks  stoves, as well as under floor drains, inside of motors  major appliances. Because they can flatten their bodies to fit into narrow areas, cockroaches may also be found hiding beneath rubber mats, behind wallpaper  within wall cracks. Cockroach feces will be visible during an infestation. Small roaches produce feces that resemble coffee grounds or black pepper, while larger roaches expel cylindrical droppings. The quantity of visible feces is oftentimes a good indicator of the level or duration of infestation. Some species emit unpleasant smells. In the event of serious infestation, a strong oily or musty odor may be present. The bodies of dead cockroaches can also be found throughout the house. Oval-shaped egg cases, known as oothecae, are sometimes visible behind furniture or in other hidden locations, such as the spaces between books The length of time it takes to rid your home of a cockroach infestation depends largely upon species  size of infestation. Many over-the-counter products homeowners utilize often prove ineffective against a cockroach infestation. These pests are extremely adaptable  may even be resistant to some home extermination methods. The most rapid  effective pest control methods are those administered by trained pest control professionals. There are several techniques  tools that can be employed or recommended by these professionals to get rid of cockroaches. One strategy is for the pest control professional to partner with the homeowner to reduce the cockroach attractants. Sources like pet food dishes, drains, dishwashers, trash cans, etc. should be maintained, cleaned or stored properly. Another step is to determine the source or entry point for the cockroaches. Some cockroaches, like the German cockroach, are primarily carried into the home. Homeowners should be careful to inspect items such as used furniture or appliances for cockroaches before bringing them home. Outdoor cockroaches may invade under doors  through open windows. Homeowners  the pest control professionals should collaborate to seal up the home as much as possible. Pest control professional also can employ traps such as glue boards in areas where cockroaches may travel or hide. Yet another tool can be proper applications of products such as baits  residuals to cracks/crevices, harborage areas  exterior of the home Eliminating cockroaches in an apartment requires a combined effort on the part of management, tenants  pest control professionals. Because roaches often are able to avoid apartment tenant treatments, effective control necessitates a professional. Measures can be taken to prevent a cockroach population from infesting your home. Dishes should be washed  put away. Food should never be left on counters or tables. Defective plumbing  potential leaks should be corrected,  garbage should be taken out daily. All holes  cracks in ceilings  walls should be repaired. Any signs of a cockroach infestation should be reported to the superintendent or housing authority immediately. In the event of an infestation, it will most likely be necessary to utilize the services of a professional pest control company. Some professional pest control companies will offer extermination plans.


House Flies Types Control Exterminations

pest control service seattleAdult flesh flies are one of the common flies in washington. There a few different types of  flies,our exterminators are trained to identify these types of flies, The adult flesh fly drinks animal fluids  may also visit piles of dung.Their larvae also known as maggots eat the rotting,decaying flesh of animals as well as dead insects.Knowledge of the life cycle of certain flesh flies can be helpful in determining how long an animal or rodent has been dead.Flies carry more than 100 pathogens that can cause dangerous diseases in humans  animals, such as typhoid, polio  tuberculosis and how to control these pests.

Rodent Control types that invade home  commercial buildings

Rodents multiply so quickly, just a few can lead to an out-of-control rat infestation before you know it.Most home or property business owners don’t often see rats or mice, but signs of their presence.The most troublesome rats are two introduced species, the roof rat  the Norway rat. It’s important to know which species of rat is present in order to choose effective Rodent control removal service strategies.Once rats have invaded your yard  this can be caused by a number of reason: unkept backyard,pets going to the bathroom in your yard.It is only a matter of time before you find evidence of them indoors. Experience has shown it is less time consuming to control rodents before their numbers get too high,  fewer traps  less bait will be required if control is started early.Rats, like house mice, are active mostly at night.

Seattle mice extermination: How to get rid of mice rats in your house or commercial building by pest exterminators.Our  successful rodent,rat,mice,Squirrel control service strategy typically includes three elements: sanitation measures; building construction  rodent proofing; , population control.

Mice feed on human food sources destroying cartons, paper, boxes  plastic in order to construct their nests. The urine, saliva  feces of some mice may contain viruses  bacteria, such as salmonella  hantavirus. It is therefore necessary to exterminate any mouse infestation. It is advisable to take action at the first sign of a mouse infestation. Populations grow rapidly  are extremely difficult to eradicate. It is best to target infestations when colonies are small. The most efficient mouse extermination methods are those administered by trained pest control professionals. Contact your local expert to arrange for an inspection  consultation. How Mice Enter Homes Mouse Repellent Spray Electronic Mice Repellent How Mouse Traps Work

How to Get Mice Out of House Walls How to Kill Mice Trapping Mice How to Clean Up After Mice Infestation

Spiders control  Extermination Services

Venomous spiders in Washington include the black widow spider  yellow sac spider. The hobo spiders are unlikely to cause dangerous bites. Brown recluse spiders don’t live in Washington state.Black widow, yellow sac,  hobo spiders live outdoors, however they occasionally find their way inside homes.Not only are their webs a nuisance around the house, but spiders can inflict painful, sometimes dangerous bites.Spider pest control service will maintain  keep them out of your house or building.

Mosquitoes pest control Identification, Management, Removal  Extermination

mosquitoes can pose a serious health threat to people. Disease can be spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Over 40 different mosquito species can be found in Washington, many are vectors for diseases, such as West Nile virus, western equine encephalitis  St. Louis encephalitis.The threat of mosquito-borne diseases could affect your family  pets. Ampm exterminators is qualified in getting of mosquitoes  maintaining your property.

Silverfish pest control Service Identification  Management

Silverfish  live in areas with mild temperatures  high humidity, such as damp storage rooms, bathrooms  basements. Silver fish are silver in color, grow to about 1/2 inch in length  lay their eggs in cracks crevices. These light-shy, nimble wingless insects live for up to four years. Silver fish generally cause trouble in large quantities. Silverfish are pests of paper  prefer food containing starch such as the glue found in book bindings photographs.You need the knowledge  experience of our pest exterminators to get rid of the silverfish

Ticks pest control Identification  Management

Ticks carry many serious diseases, including Lyme disease, encephalitis  typhus. They can live for over 500 days without a meal.When working, camping, or walking in a tick habitat – wooded, bushy, or grassy places – a few simple precautions can reduce your chance of being bitten. or Have an experience exterminator from Ampm exterminators come get rid of them.

Bees, yellow jackets, wasp  pest control Service Identification, Removal  Extermination

yellow-jackets-nestsWasps can be distinguished from bees by their smooth, rather than hairy, bodies. Very protective of their nests, the will defend against invaders with painful stings. The common bee sting, while harmless to most people, can be very painful.Let Ampm exterminators service handle the removal of the nests to protect your family.


Termite Control, Protection & Inspection Services

dampwood-termiteTermite Proactivity program with Ampm pest control can be the factor that saves a homeowner from a costly termite infestation. It involves identifying the difference between flying ants  termites, a common source of confusion for homeowners Commercial business building contractors. It also means taking action quickly. Homeowners  Business building owners are well educated about termites. Generally much more proactive about termite pest control. All it takes is one negative termite experience to underscore the importance of termite control Service.

Bed bugs pest control Identification, Removal  Extermination Service

pest control servicePrevention ,how , where you get in contact with bed bugs:Bed bugs infestation in your home would appear because someone in your house or building have been in contact with infested clothing or furniture in a motel, hotel or hostel. Bed bugs are easily passed around from used clothing  materials. It is a misconception that cleanliness will prevent the spreading of an infestation. Still, the cleaner your living environment is, the harder it will be for the bed bugs to hide.A bedbug can individually  collectively cause a number of health effects including skin rashes, psychological effects  allergic symptoms. Bedbug bites may lead to a range of skin manifestations from no visible effects to prominent blisters. Diagnosis involves both finding bedbugs  the occurrence of compatible symptoms.If you suspect a bed bug infestation from bed bug bites or signs of bed bugs ,Our bed bug extermination  removal service has  done a lot of these treatments ,its important that our clients follow our bed bug protocol to a “T” being that they are a transient pest. Call for details for bed bug pest control service


Fleas have piercing sucking mouth parts to penetrate host skin  feed on blood. Fleas are an important vector of disease pathogens as documented by the Black Plague of Europe that killed 20 million people. Fleas undergo 4 life stages: egg, larvae, pupae,  adult. Eggs are often laid on the host animal but fall off in the house, becoming embedded in carpet or furniture. In the case of cats, fleas could be found in very unusual areas considering cat’s proclivity to climb on furniture in the home. Flea larvae will feed on organic debris such as hair or feces of adult fleas. Larvae can become attached to carpet fibers  resist the pull of a vacuum cleaner. Pupal cases are often covered with dirt or debris from their surroundings creating perfect camouflage. Fleas can remain in the pupal stage for months emerge when they detect the presence of a suitable host. Hosts body temperature usually is the trigger. Adult fleas can remain dormant until a host enters a room. These two phenomenons explain the characteristic “

pest control Identification, Management, Removal  Extermination Services.Fleas feed on human blood through small bites in the skin. They can jump from your carpet up to your ankles calves,  a female flea can produce up to 800 eggs during her lifetime.


Fleas are notorious for infesting dogs, cats, “biting” them  causing them to itch scratch. Fleas actually suck blood  can transmit diseases in the process. They usually prefer to feed on dogs or cats. And the flea population in a home can be staggering, but so long as there are enough dogs or cats for the fleas to feed on people may remain unaware. However, when the flea population increases to where they need to compete for “food sources,” or when a dog or cat dies or moves away, they are then more than happy to feed on humans! Since their numbers increase in the summer, some of the worse cases take place when the family goes on vacation  the pets have been kept at the kennel. With no pets to feed on,  the fleas increasing in numbers, they are poised for any motion- are ravenous when everyone comes home.


House crickets can damage silk, woolens, paper, fruits  vegetables. They can eat almost anything available.


Female moths can lay up to 200 eggs,  moth larvae feed on wool fabric  fur, doing damage to valuable clothing items.

Mites Affecting Humans

“Mite” is a term commonly used to refer to a group of insect-like organisms, some of which bite or cause irritation to humans. While some mites parasites to animals, including man, others are scavengers, some feed on plants, many prey on insects other arthropods. In fact, there are nearly as many different types of mites as there are insects. Like their relatives, the ticks, mites pass through four stages of development: egg to larva to nymph to adult. All stages have eight legs except the six-legged larva.Most mites never come in contact with humans, but some that do can affect a person’s health. Yet, in many situations where mites or other “invisible” arthropods are believed to be biting or “attacking” people, no causative organism is present. The irritation may be real or imagined: real, due to mechanical, chemical or other inanimate irritants, or imagined due to a psychological disorder.While mites rarely transmit disease to humans in Seattle, they definitely impact health in ways that range from simply being a nuisance when they enter homes in large numbers, to inflicting severe skin irritation that can cause intense itching. The most commonly encountered mites, including those that can adversely affect human health.


 Birds & Bats- pest control Identification  Management Services

Birds only become a serious problem when they nest in homes Commercial business buildings. Unfortunately, sometimes the number of birds  the amount of bird droppings can create a health hazard in the attic,side walks or other area in which they are nesting. In such cases there can be a risk of histoplasmosis or ectoparisites. Woodpeckers cause their own unique brand of problem when they drill holes in the siding of homes or Commercial buildings. Ampm  Bird Extermination Service are relied upon for control  a decontamination when the nesting has been extensive

Fabric Pests-pest control Identification  Management

Fabric Pests are those insects that destroy cloth  other items made of wool, hair, leather, or silk. These insects have a unique ability to digest wool cause havoc to clothing, wool carpeting  tapestries, furs, animal trophies,  some leather goods. Our Fabric pest control exterminators provide a extermination service able to get rid of the fabric pests.

Attic Crawlspace Pest Control Service

We also remediate attic  crawlspace problems such as decontamination  insulation removal & repair after rodents have damaged those areas.

Ampm exterminators Pest Identification Guide

Varied carpet beetle                                         detrimental mite


Insects  Other Arthropods
Wood Destroying Insects
Carpenter AntsTermites (Dampwood T.Subterranean T.)Wood Boring Beetles ( Powder Post Beetles, Anobiid, etc)
Carpenter Ants (see above)Moisture AntsOdorous House AntsPharaoh AntsPavement AntsThatching Ants
Wasps & Bees
Yellow JacketsBald-faced HornetsPolestesMason BeesBumble BeesHoney Bees
Other Insects
CockroachesFlies ( Blow, Cluster, Fruit flies) springtail
Parasitic Insects
FleasBed BugsLice
Fabric Pests
Carpet BeetlesClothes Moths Kitchen Fruit flies
Food Pests
Drug Store BeetlesIndian Meal Moths 
Occasional Pests
Sow Bugs (aka Pill or Potato bugs)SilverfishPsocids
Lady BeetlesFungus GnatsSpiders
Mammals  Birds
Rats  Mice
Survey/Assessment, Baiting, Trapping, Exclusion, Decontamination
Exclusion & Decontamination
Bats, Racoons, Opossums,  Other Mammals
Exclusion & Decontamination
Birds (various species)
Exclusion & Decontamination

Greater Seattle, the Eastside, King  Snohomish counties pest control service